Author: Koë
I am creation in process, meld of differing modalities and mediums into one, guided by the Autodidact Manifesto
- I’m passionate about being a lifelong learner.
- I’m insatiably curious.
- I believe that knowledge is power.
- I know that if I’m truly invested in learning something, there’s no need to go back to school to learn it.
- I believe I can teach myself any subject if I have a serious interest in it.
- I’m 100% responsible for my learning – I take full ownership of the process of improving myself.
- Being an autodidact gives me the freedom to learn what I want, when I want.
- I can be my own coach, mentor, and teacher.
- If there’s something that I want to learn, I can figure out how to learn it. I know I can learn anything I set my mind to.
- I make the time to learn. I include learning in my schedule.
- I overcome inner obstacles to learning such as procrastination, fear, and perfectionism.
- I ignore the naysayers who say that you can’t teach yourself.
- My diploma is the project that I complete with my newly-acquired knowledge.
- I constantly push myself to step out of my comfort zone. Instead of constantly doing what I already know how to do, I stretch myself in order to learn more.
- I’m self-directed and I work well on my own – I don’t need someone looking over my shoulder telling me what to do.
- I’m good at goal setting and set S.M.A.R.T. learning goals.
- I’m good at plan creation, implementation, and iteration. When I want to learn something new I create a plan for learning it and I follow through with my plan.
- I know that all of the information that I need is at my fingertips.
- I have the discipline necessary to accomplish my learning goals.
- I have the necessary grit to persist until I achieve my learning objectives.
- I’m self-motivated — I can keep my motivation and enthusiasm for learning high.
- I see obstacles to my learning as challenges to be overcome, not as stopping points.
- I’m willing to put in the necessary time and effort to learn what I want.
- I’m committed to self-learning.
- I learn something new every day, even it’s just a new vocabulary word.
- I move quickly from learning to doing.
- I’m invested in learning how to learn.
- I know that making mistakes is simply part of the learning process.
- I can deal with the frustration and confusion that are integral components of learning.
- I’m willing to be a beginner.
- If one learning strategy doesn’t work, I look for a different strategy.
- As I learn I make careful self-assessments and adjustments.
- Those who have the most success with learning are those who try the hardest.
- I learn actively, not passively.
- I share what I learn with others.